Monday, December 27, 2010


After all the rain that we’ve had here in SoCal the past week we had to get out and decided to go to the Zoo yesterday to relax and photograph some animals other than human. But wouldn’t you know it, my favorite of the day was my son! Maybe because it involved more than just me, but all of us to make the photo: my wife Veronica and both my sons Ben and Liam.

It’s great when we can go out and do something together. Isn’t that what family is all about? The best thing about it is I have an image that will be a lasting memory of this day.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

By The Lake

Sometimes I find it really hard to believe how much time has gone by in my life. Maybe it’s because I've lived away from my hometown for so long. Or maybe still because I don’t see my longtime friends enough.

That’s what happened when I saw Mark and Fern. When I see them I still picture how they were in high school. Still together and haven’t even aged a bit! Then I see their kids. Whoa! Look at them! They’re not kids! They’re all grown up! How old they are here is how old we were when we were all hangin’ out! Do they still say “hangin’ out”?

That’s when I realize I am getting old and time is going pretty fast and and and… well… you get the picture…